Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You mean they actually go to class in Australia?!?

That's right. I started class on Monday (at 12:30..rough huh?) and yes for anyone who had doubts people do go to class here, just not for too many hours:) I am taking seven and a half hours of class...a huge downscale from my 15 plus at BC. My first class was Children and the Media. It is a class of about 25 with a professor who is an older British man who swears and cracks jokes that no foreigner can understand. Only the Australians in the back of the class laugh and respond to him in a conversation that I also do not understand...and I thought they spoke English here?? Not the English I'm used to. When the initial banter is over he explains the class and how the only assignments besides our weekly reading load is one 2500 word paper, one 2500 word proposal and a ten minute presentation/project. Wow! Sounds great as of now, I'll get back to you at the end of the semester.
Then I had the tutorial for the class (3-4). There are four people (all girls) in the tutorial/discussion group and come to find out one of the girls is from half an hour outside Boston and is going to be a senior at the University of Southern Maine. Shows just how small of a world it is. The discussion group was very cool and since there are only four of us it is only an hour instead of an hour and a half, like the bigger groups! We were shown pictures of children and discussed what the pictures spoke to us about childhood. Right up my alley, it was very cool! That was class day one.

Day class. (although i will have one hour and a half of photo tutorial starting next week)
So..talked to Megan via skype and participated in an epic dance party to "My Sharona". Thanks to Skype you can dance with someone half way across the world, as well as look up their nose, and see their many funny faces :) Then we (Kelsey, Keith and I) traveled by bus to Fremantle (just the cutest little city). Kelsey and I ventured to the library while Keith set up in the town square with his guitar to join the many street performers lining the street. We found the library and asked about getting library cards. They told us since we werent permanent residents we would hav eto pay 20 dollars for a membership. So we said okay and spent an hour gathering books from the library (since our library at murdoch only has reference and reserve books...makes me feel so lucky to have Bc's libraries!). We get to the counter with four books each and they tell us we can only take out one at a time with the membership.....bummer! So we left without any library books :( But then we joined Keith as he played guitar and harmonica and sang for the many people walking through Freo. We sang some harmonies and enjoyed the beautiful was wonderful :)
Barbequed chicken kebabs and french fries for dinner....french fries on the better than you would expect:)
Next an adventure to find the bar that Keith was playing a gig at. Kelsey, Keith, Malte (our German friend), and I waited twenty minutes for a bus, rode to the train station and waited 28 minutes, rode the train, got out walked to another bus station, caught a taxi and finally made it to the pub (Floreat). It was a cool place..despite the low number of people there at 11pm. We ordered some beer and and enjoyed there couches as Keith played some Dispatch, Jack Johnson, Shakira, and originals. Love adventures :)

Day class (nor will there ever be, though student teaching is a possibility)
Biggest accomplishments...baking chocolate cookies that are very tasty despite our decrepite fire in a box stove. For dinner Malte baked homemade German pancakes for twelve friends with nutella, bananas, and cinnamon. Yummy! How nice it is to have so many cultures around! Then we played scattergories (board games are a big deal here...makes me so happy). They are so fun when you have Americans, Australians, Germans, Austrians, Danish, and Singaporeans :) Then Family Guy with my roommates...all of us together in the living room!! Yay!

These past few days have not been as exciting to read about...but things are starting up and I have three classes tomorrow!! My first day of Representation and Gender and Photography and digital imaging! I am so excited!

Ciao, Lauren

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