Saturday, August 22, 2009

R-A-I-N-B-O-W spells rainbow!

Blog entries are becoming part of my Sunday routine!! I will try and briefly reflect on the week that has passed:) Can anyone believe that I have been here for exactly a month today!! I feel like I just got here yesterday, but at the same time have been here for a very long is strange.

Last Sunday evening: A beautiful family dinner (all my flatmates) of mashed potatoes, peas, marinated chicken (by Kelsey and I) and dim sum, dumplings and stir fry veggies (from...who thinks my Singaporean roommate..that would be my first guess..but no..from my French roommate)! It was a smorgasbord of of diverse food and flat 39 love!

Monday: A trip to Salvo's (that's right the unique name of the Salvation Army in Australia) to find long-strapped, little bags (to bring clubbing, that won't get lost and still allows dancing to happen). acceptable purse found! Miss-estimated bus timing...missed my class (but no worries it is recorded and put on the who REALLY needs to go to class :). Beautiful part of missing class...Kelsey and I made delicious grilled cheese and soup..perfect on a rainy day :)

Monday Night: Kelsey: "Hey Lauren, there is a Community Chorus in Perth that Murdoch students are welcome to go to, we should go!
Lauren: "That sounds great Kels!"
Acquire Directions, travel thirty minutes on three different modes of transportation (luck was on our side it could have taken an hour), things are looking up, we end up at the University of Western Australia, we find the room, we sit down, people are friendly....
Then with no warm-ups we jump into some baroque classical tunes in German, Latin, and Italian. They have supposedly been practicing them for weeks, but the ladies beside us aren't even singing for most of it. There are two tenors. Most people are over forty.....not my musical scene. But a great experience none-the-less!

Tuesday:Kelsey and I feel ambitious and the sun is out, so we go for a run. Things are going great, my foot is feel good (I hurt it about a month and a half ago). We search for this pond that we were told about and find it quite quickly. It is beautiful and we are starting the loop when.............Yes folks it begins to rain...not just rain pour..harder and harder. Kelsey and I brave it for a while, but when our shoes fill with water and we can no longer see where we are going, we head back. Short-lived and very wet, but a great laugh.

Tuesday Night: Slow night. But we made delicious tacos! I went to my friend Tina's house to watch Shrek and Finding Nemo. We are writing papers on them for our Children and the Media class.

Wednesday: Up early for another day of teaching in Kindy! Today the weather is warm and beautiful! I get to the bus stop just as the bus is pulling up and have a very enjoyable walk to school. I get there on time to speak with Jannine, Carrie, and Alex (the full-prac) about the day and we greet all the students as the get to school. It was Hazels birthday and boy was she EXCITED!!! Bopping all around exclaiming that she is five today!! We started our unit on the sea and will be going to the beach on September 9th! To end our unit on dinosaurs we were paleontologists and gave each child a cup that had plaster and dinosaurs in it. They wore toy hard hats and had little hammers (sans goggles...a little scary) and started hammering away at the plaster and brushing away the dust to find their dinosaurs! So exciting! We had cupcakes for snack and did some painting (which of course I got all over myself)! During free play my favorite child (shh..don't tell anyone else) Adi (a four year old adorable little boy, who I am quite sure has a high-functioning form of autism) was putting together a puzzle and Miss Jannine asked him what the picture was of. He responded with the correct answer "rainbow" and then she asked him if he could read all the letters in the word. For a boy that doesn't talk much and has social and physical difficulty, he stood there and very clearly said R-A-I-N-B-O-W! Need I say more, it was so beautiful :-D Those are the little things that make life wonderful! It was a super day in Kindy!
Then I met Kelsey and we went to some op shops (thrift stores) in Fremantle. Good Sammy's! Is incredible I got a beautiful teal dress for three dollars and found an even better long-strapped purse for two dollars! They are much better stalked here and quite clean!

Wednesday Night: Volleyball with the sustainability club! There were about twenty of us that played. I went with Kelsey even though I am not technically in the club. All of our Australian friends are in it and there were some other random players that we met. It was great fun!

Thursday: Full of classes! Pepresentation and Gender is so interesting! The lecturer is so captivating and knowledgeable; it is extremely good!

Thursday night: Moondyne Joe's again! There were about fifteen of us there to support Keith. It was strange because our Australian friends were there with us and it seems like we have known them for so long, but Kelsey had met them only a week ago in the same place! Kelsey and Keith did a duet!! It was so beautiful! I love open mic nights:)

Friday: pretty uneventful, started one of the three papers that I have to finish by Thursday (because we are leaving for the northwest trip!!!!) It's a challenge because I am not sure how they like their papers done here in Australia! The prompts I have are very broad and quite vague.... I went for a gorgeous run around the lake!!! It was the perfect day; the sun was out and the pond was full of swans and ducks. It is a protected park so there is a lot of foliage and bush vegetation!

Friday Night: Fight Club with my German friend Lisa, some American friends, some Australians.

Saturday: My paper on Home Alone and Finding Nemo!! Very difficult to write, finally got the final draft done today of over eight pages!

Saturday Night: Summer Heights High (ridiculous mockumentary) that we watched with Lucy and Julie!

Sunday: Finished my rough draft, one paper to go! I am playing ultimate frisbee at three (trying out the club team). I have been told no experience is necessary, hopefully that is true :) Really excited!

I will put more pictures up onto Picassa today!!! There are not too many as I keep forgetting to bring my camera out, but they are fun! Miss you all soo much, but I am having a fantabulous time here! Hope to hear from you soon <3

1 comment:

  1. Since when are stores stalked? I think you meant stocked. I hope you love ultimate Frisbee. Just don't break your collar bone like me. It seems like you are going a little crazy with your buying sprees. Keep in mind that you must have money for books for next semester. The money tree is pretty defoliated these days.


